Early Termination of Probation in Orlando

In the state of Florida, an individual who is on probation and who has completed half of the court imposed probationary term may petition for early termination of probation. This requires, of course, that you have been compliant with the terms of probation up to this point. Not everyone is a candidate, however many people are. At Adams, Luka, & Benton, our Orlando criminal defense attorneys can help determine if you may be eligible to have your probation terminated early. We understand that the conditions and terms are often tough; no one wants to remain on probation for longer than absolutely necessary.
There are several factors which may affect your eligibility for early termination. These include:
- Whether you have paid all court imposed restitution in full
- Whether you have paid costs or prosecution, court costs, fines, investigation costs and other financial obligations that are court related
- You have completed half of the probationary term imposed by the court
- You have successfully completed any programs or other special conditions of probation ordered by the court such as substance abuse treatment or community service
It is important to note that whether your probation is terminated early is completely discretionary on the part of the court. It is not Florida law that the court must grant early termination of probation due to good behavior, or simply because you request it.
How likely it is you will be granted early termination may also depend on the type of offense you committed, and whether you are a first-time offender. For example, someone who is on probation and under supervision for a violent offense will not likely be granted early probation termination. Those who are repeat offenders are also not likely to have probation terminated early. However, those on probation due to less serious or violent offenses such as DUI or drug possession and who are first-time offenders are more likely to be granted early termination of probation.
Strong Criminal Defense Services to Individuals in Orlando and Throughout Central FloridaWhile some individuals may successfully request early termination of probation before half of the probationary period has been served, most judges will not consider a motion to have probation terminated early until the probationer has completed half of the term.
We understand that while being on probation is much preferred to being locked up behind bars, it nevertheless is an unpleasant experience. No one wants to be under court ordered restrictions and monitored by probation officers. If you have violated the terms of your probation, failed to meet with your probation officer, or committed a new crime while on probation, it is not likely you will be granted early termination of probation. However, if you have not violated probation and met the eligibility requirements listed above, your chances of success are very good.
Contact Adams, Luka, & Benton TodayAt Adams, Luka, & Benton, we understand you are anxious to regain your freedom and be out from under the microscope of the court. If you feel you are eligible, we will review your case and file a motion for early termination of probation. It is always helpful if your probation officer and the state attorney do not object to the motion, however it is the judge who will make the final determination. Our Orlando early termination of probation lawyers are dedicated to our clients, and will devote our time and resources to the desired outcome. Call us now for a free consultation at (407) 872-0307 or (352) 787-2101.