Bond Hearing Attorney in Tavares, FL

Anyone who has been in jail knows that any length of time at all is too long. Additionally, the longer a person remains in jail, the greater the odds he or she may say something incriminating, usually unintentionally. Those who are accused of a crime often "talk too much" in an effort to talk themselves out of jail. Words can be interpreted entirely differently by those who want to slap you with criminal charges and prosecute you. Your focus should be to get out of jail as fast as you possibly can. When you need a capable bond hearing attorney in Tavares, count on Adams, Luka, & Benton.
What is the Purpose of a Bond Hearing?The basic purpose of a bond hearing is to get out of jail, or have bond reduced. Those who have an attorney to represent them are often taken more seriously by the judge, who views the defendant as less likely to flee due to the fact he or she is paying a criminal defense lawyer for legal representation.
Some defendants simply cannot afford a high bond amount. In this case, your bond hearing lawyer may be able to convince the judge you are not a flight risk by providing testimony or other information that supports the fact you will stick around. It may be possible to have a high bond reduced, or to compel the judge to release you on your own recognizance. The fact is, if you fail to hire an attorney and choose to go with a public defender, you could be waiting for weeks or even months behind bars before he or she can get to your bond hearing.
In the majority of cases, the judge grants only one bond hearing. For this reason, it is critical to work with a Tavares bond hearing attorney who is experienced and capable of presenting the circumstances in a way that is persuasive and compelling.
Probation Violation Arrests in Tavares, FLIndividuals who are arrested for probation violations often deserve a second chance. Most of these cases can be resolved at a bond hearing, where your lawyer will work to compel the judge to grant bond by presenting employers, friends, family members, or others who can attest to your importance and support of your family and the community.
Contact Adams, Luka, & Benton Today Regarding Bond HearingsNo one who has been arrested wants to remain in jail for longer than is absolutely necessary. Being incarcerated is difficult not only on the individual who has been arrested, but on loved ones as well. It can impact a family both emotionally and financially. At Adams, Luka, & Benton, our Tavares bond hearing attorneys address these matters swiftly and aggressively. Contact us today for a free consultation regarding your case.