Apopka, Florida Juvenile Defense Lawyer

No parent wants to learn that a child has been accused of committing a criminal act. While you will understandably be stressed and concerned, you will likely also be confused as to what the future may hold, whether your child may face juvenile detention or jail, and more. At Adams, Luka, & Benton, we understand you have many questions and are likely not familiar with the Juvenile Justice System. It is vital that you speak with an experienced Apopka juvenile defense attorney in order to protect your child's legal rights and well being. You must be aware of the charges against your child, possible legal options, and how to proceed as the outcome could seriously impact your child's future. We urge you to contact our firm now for unsurpassed legal guidance and support.
In Florida, those younger than age 18 are considered juveniles. When accused of a crime, it is actually a delinquent act. These "crimes" may include underage drinking, drug possession, assault, shoplifting or other theft crimes, sexual assault, drunk driving, criminal mischief, and more. Regardless of the offense a juvenile is accused of, it is a frightening and uncertain situation. Florida courts focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment, however there are situations in which a juvenile may be charged and tried in the adult Criminal Justice System. This means a child could potentially face the same harsh punishment an adult would face including jail time, fines, a permanent criminal record, and more.
With more than 30 years of combined experience, our firm has the skill and experience to reach positive results in cases involving juveniles. Some of our areas of focus include:
- Juvenile Court vs. Adult Courts
- Juvenile Crimes
- Juvenile Drug Charges
- Possession of Fake Identification
- Underage Drinking
When a juvenile is alleged to have committed a crime, it is critical to work with a defense lawyer who is thoroughly familiar with the Juvenile Justice System, legal options, diversion programs, the Youthful Offender Act, and possible sentencing and/or punishment. Most important of all, you must have an attorney who understands that teens make mistakes, and who will work diligently to obtain the best possible outcome, keeping you informed throughout the process. Diversion programs are designed to help juveniles avoid harsh punishment, and may include counseling, rehabilitation programs, substance abuse counseling, community service, or other requirements depending on the offense. However, when a minor is not accepted in a diversion program, there may be other alternatives to jail or juvenile detention including restitution, community service, having regular drug tests performed, school progress monitoring, and more. We will work hard to ensure your child is not left at the mercy of the courts.
Contact Adams, Luka, & Benton NowTeenagers make mistakes, just as adults do. As seasoned Apopka juvenile defense lawyers, we do not believe minors should be harshly punished for making a decision that is often influenced by their peers. Minors deserve an opportunity to rehabilitate and get back on a positive track in life. Contact our office today for a free consultation at (407) 872-0307.